Individual Insights

John Carlo E. Estrevencion, RN

insight from an ER nurse...

    I am thankful to this activity for this made the Comfort Theory known to me.  This was the firs time I encountered the comfort theory and it's concepts, and with analyzing it I found the theory very applicable to my practice.  

   Being an ER nurse, patients complaining about different types and ranges of discomfort is part of everyday life and providing comfort is always the goal of our management.  It is very fulfilling to be thanked for the care and comfort you have provided the client, and this will not just reflect on one's performance as a nurse, but the performance of the whole team, the management and the whole health care setting itself.  Through expressions of comfort from clients, the management is able to delineate its best policies and practices.  More than the uplifting feeling as an individual nurse when one has provided a client satisfaction and comfort, its contribution to the institutions integrity is also worth recognizing.

Deserie L Gelangre, RN

     Working in an area where all the patients are critically ill, dealing with patients' and patient's relative's comfort is always a part of my day to day concern.  When one heard the word ICU, it often triggers different levels and types of discomfort because of its association with death and the dying.

     Knowing about the theory of comfort, it enrich my knowledge on how to provide comfort for my patients as well as  for my patient's significant others. In  providing my care, I would always remember that comfort exist in 3 forms: relief, ease and transcendence and therefore strive to provide transcendence to my patients so they can rise above  there current health challenges. When patients would be able to reach that form of comfort, then, I could say that I was able to do my duty as  a nurse. Moreover, when patients are satisfied with the care delivered by alleviating there discomfort, it also increase a nurse's self worth thereby increasing the quality of care delivered. It could also improve the integrity of the unit and the whole institution creating an environment that promotes optimal functioning of the patient.

Tracy Mae Hernandez, RN

      It was a wonderful experience to be part of this blogging activity. Personally, i recalled all the past theories i've studied before and just simply heard of Kolcaba's Comfort Theory but this was the first time I've focused on a certain theory and realized its importance. For the past 5 years as a surgical nurse I am dealing with the pre and post operative patients and I believe that comfort is a very essential tool for a nurse to apply in the clinical setting especially for clients who is having pain and anxiety as this will give them a greater relief.
In addition, it will result to appreciation of the health institution and increase patient satisfaction.

Ma. Geraldine Joy D. Garcia,  RN

     Creating a blog is a new experience  to me. Although its a lot harder than I thought , it is also fun and edifying. I learned from the articles I read and to my groupmates about the Comfort theory to dig dipper to the real value of nursing. Kolcaba's theory enlightened me that "getting into someone's chest" is the least I can do for a patient. In my experience as an ambulance nurse, comfort is viewed as the least important. However, little do we realize that it is as important as giving  someone a CPR. Before we knew it, time runs out while we get so inclined on giving medical procedures to a patient. We do not want to let patients experience a painful death after a painful experience, do we?

     With Kolcoba's theory, we are refreshed on what comfort can do to a patient. From here, I learned that the biggest difference I can make is to value the amount of comfort I can contribute to a patient whether critical or not. That is one thing I didn't get when I was constantly running in the field and getting my head on the logistics.

     To sum it all up, this theory brought back the real value of nursing. As we practice Comfort theory, we make nursing a remarkable field.

Mariles C. Ferro, RN

     As a public school nurse, dealing with different body complaints every day from school children is part of my work description. With my experience, the usual complaint of these school children is “PAIN”, from head ache to muscle pain. Dealing with this “PAIN” is not easy especially when a child doesn't have any concept about it so it’s hard for me to provide care to them. Upon doing our group blog I realized that I can apply Comfort theory in dealing with this kind of situation. Providing comfort to a distressed child will really help them to cope up with the pain and anxiety from their illness.

     Giving of pain medication is not enough, providing a helping hand throughout the alleviation of pain is needed. The simple thought of asking if she’s okay or it the pain is subsiding really helps my patient to feel comfort,  the simple touch and assurance that everything will be okay makes a child sense hope in going through her illness. Base from my experience many children choose to address first their illness to a healthcare provider than their parents, so I make sure once a child enters the school clinic crying it is my responsibility to make that child leave the school clinic with a smile and comfort in her face. Providing comfort is not an easy task but with the Comfort Theory I am guided in providing an effective nursing care to the school children. :)

Ana Dominique G. Espia, RN

     Comfort is the universal concept that nurses strive to provide for the patients in the work environments. Knowing about Kolcoba's comfort theory provided me a positive insight to enhance my knowledge and skills in my work. Patients and families are more able and willing to absorb information when they are comfortable and focused. This theory provides simple steps to ensure comfort is being delivered. The theory of Comfort Care encourages us nurses to think more deeply about rather or not their patient is comfortable, along with what is causing discomfort and what is promoting comfort. Kolcoba's theory made and defined Nursing more unique and a loving profession.

Kristine B. Guzman, RN

     This era of modern technology, there are so many advancement, new treatment and wonder drugs that can treat the patient even he is having a serious disease. Looking back at the theory of Katharine Kolcaba, the nurses should remember to become holistic in giving care and not only focused on giving medicines and treatment but rather to give comfort and alleviate the suffering not only to the patient but also to the family.
As a nurse working in the Middle East, I noticed that I am dealing with a lot of patients with low pain tolerance and they are highly satisfied if the pain is immediately eradicated. There are a lot of comfort measures I need to do depending on the needs of the patient. To some extent, controlled drugs are being used to alleviate the pain of the patient.

     Using the comfort theory is very effective and applicable to a lot of situations. If the nurse had been very effective in giving a comfortable environment to patient, then it can lessen the use of controlled drugs and the patient’s drug dependency. Even the very simple thing like putting the patient to his comfortable position is effective in improving the condition of the patient.
     In the end, our goal as nurses is to satisfy our patient with total nursing care and comfortable environment. Thanks to Kolcaba’s theory which serves as a guide to a lot of nurses in giving care to patients.

Ma.Fe M. Flandez, RN

     Comfort-one of the characteristics of the comfort theory devised by Kolcaba: The theory emphasizes the active participation of the patient and family.

     Upon reviewing and reading this theory, it comes to my mind what we have it now in my Health Institutions.Sometimes,i kept asking to myself that " do we really need to talk to the patient and his/her family" in achieving their program goals?

     Let me share to you how our patient and family are going to be actively participated in their plan of care.

     Patient and Family meeting,the purpose is to set up roles and responsibilities for the Patient and Family meeting to ensure good rehabilitation services to the patients.All patients admitted to must have at least two family meetings during admission is documented in the medical chart and with the presence of the multidisciplinary team.The information and or conclusion must be delivered to the patient/family, and it must be informative and to the level of patient and family understanding.

     Patient's and Family Rights and Responsibilities the purpose is to promote and protect Patient's Rights and Responsibilities in an ethical framework.

     Disclosure statement where in our patient and family knows the information about the services offered to them,medical condition, how many days they will be treated and plan of care.

     Patient and family education- Nurses Role the purpose is to improve patient outcomes by education patients and families in relation to understanding their diagnosis and treatments and behaviours that promote recovery and healthy lifestyle.

.......and both the nurse and the institution committed to this.

Lerma Hambali, RN

   One of the many roles of a Nurse is to make sure patients are in their Comfort state. To facilitate comfort, as nurses, we must see to it that a patient /client is being well-cared. We have to make sure that they have everything they need to be comfortable during hospitalization and even after discharge. This theory is very much useful in every health care settings and in all units of the hospitals. Honestly, i just knew about this theory recently but had already been practicing it for long years now.  It is just when I have read about Kolcaba's theory I've realized how and what is the impact of a simple word "comfort".

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